Vase King Osturat (85 views) |
Limestone found in the crematorium (41 views) |
Chair shaped limestone (76 views) |
Altar stone (28 views) |
Deposits of the grave (25 views) |
Deposits of the grave (21 views) |
Deformed skeleton (22 views) |
deposit of bons,in cistern (23 views) |
Pieces of ceramic pots (27 views) |
infant skeleton deposited in a jar (32 views) |
Part of the tomb of Puteri (37 views) |
Altar Aalinos (33 views) |
Face Akhrlmzbh Aalinos (23 views) |
the holy land (32 views) |
Inscription on the altar (21 views) |
Inscription on the altar (24 views) |
Building stone (28 views) |
Limestone cone (37 views) |
Inscribed fragment (34 views) |
Clay tablet with of a child's foot (23 views) |